Neurological & Psychological Testing Services


The first step in the assessment process is consulting with the patient to find out what they wish to learn from the evaluation. With this information, and after obtaining a comprehensive history of the patient, Dr. Cornejo is able to begin the psychological testing process.

Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes, including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological functioning. Administered tests vary according to the issue the patient wishes to address.

Testing is conducted in the privacy of Dr. Cornejo’s office, where patients can enjoy a relaxed and comfortable environment. Snacks and breaks are available at any time during the evaluation process to further ensure the patients’ comfort. Patients will meet with her between three and six times, with sessions lasting two hours each. The amount of necessary session will be decided during the first meeting.

Upon the completion of the evaluation process, Dr. Cornejo provides patients with comprehensive results, answering any questions that arise.


    ADHD assessment is available for adult and children.


    Neuropsychological assessment is a testing method through which our evaluators gain insight about a patient’s cognitive, motor, behavioral, linguistic, and executive functioning. Unlike other testing methods, neurological assessment provides conclusive insight into the psychological functioning of an individual. The most beneficial factor of neuropsychological assessment is that it provides an accurate diagnosis of the disorder for the patient. The data can also guide effective treatment methods for the rehabilitation of patients.


    Psycho-educational assessment is made up of two types of testing: psychological and educational. These assessments are combined to accurately diagnose common disorders such as ADHD and LD. With the information provided by the Psycho-educational assessment, our evaluators are able to learn a great deal about a child’s neurological development, highlighting the cognitive strengths and weaknesses that affect academic performance. With the information provided by Neuropsychological assessment, parents can use new strategies to effectively support their children and improve academic achievement.


    Cognitive assessment is useful to determine someone’s level of cognitive function, which includes attention, memory, language, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and decision-making. In this type of assessment, our patient will be asked to complete a series of tasks that require cognitive skills. Cognition plays a major role everyday life, impacting important skills such as job performance, organization, emotional control, learning and memory, and basic motor skills. Because cognitive skills are necessary to carry out daily tasks, identifying cognitive problems can pave the way to the overall success and satisfaction of our patients. Cognitive assessment is beneficial for anybody who is concerned that their cognition is below its optimal functioning level. Individuals who have sustained a brain injury or stroke may find this assessment particularly useful, as well as parents who are concerned about their child’s academic performance.


    Personal/emotional assessment is the foundation for identifying personality disorders that may be negatively impacting an individual’s overall happiness. This assessment is useful for detecting common disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, bipolar, and schizophrenia. With the information provided by this assessment, our evaluators can provide effective treatment for the disorder, which paves the way to an overall happier life.

    Personal/emotional assessment is also a lucrative tool for recognizing how trauma has impacted psychological functioning, which is the keystone for improving emotional development. Personal/emotional assessment also provides insight on an individual’s coping skills and stress management. Insight on these issues is the basis for finding new and effective ways to manage trauma and stress.


    Family law assessment is useful for legal cases regarding custody, permanency, reunification and adoption. Assessments are also used to evaluate parenting skills, which helps identify parental strengths and advocate methods needed to enhance parenting ability. In addition to conducting interviews with parents and children, our evaluators review relevant records to get a holistic idea of the circumstances. Upon the completion of interviews and record analysis, psychological testing is used to further assess the patient. We use specialized tests to assure accurate results for our patients. The test that will be utilized is decided upon the first meeting between the patient and evaluator.